the plot thickens with the metamovie

Play a role in a live, feature-length cinematic VR experience!

Prepare For Your MetaMovie Adventure

Thank you for your purchase of a ticket to experience Alien Rescue. Below are instructions on how to download and learn Resonite, and what to do on the day of the show.

Mission Briefing Documents

Please take a moment to read the Mission Briefing Document for your ticket type:

Hero Mission Briefing (PDF)

SidekickMission Briefing (PDF)

Download and Install Resonite

Take the Resonite Tutorial

Spend a few minutes exploring the Menu and User Interface. Explore your Cloud Home and practice interacting with things.

Accept our Contact Request

In the Contacts tab of the main menu, look for Jason (that’s me) and accept my Contact Request. Now that we’re connected, I’ll be able to send you an invitation to our world on the day of the show.

On the Day of the Show

Our lobby will open 30 minutes before show time, and at that time I will send you an invitation to our world. Use the Contacts tab in the main menu, click on Jason, and you’ll see that I have sent you an invitation to join us in our world. Click ‘Join’.

Please note that it is much easier to fix technical problems the day before the show than 30 minutes before the show, since I and my staff will be busy onboarding a lot of people. I offer one-on-one Resonite help any time, so just reach out and we can set that up if you like.

Additional Resources

Here is a quick tutorial video that shows me going through the basic steps:

Our MetaMovie Support Email:

Ask for help on our Discord:

Learn more about Resonite on their discord:

Rules of the Show

Alien Rescue is a cooperative live experience that requires everyone to work together. Please treat the cast and your fellow mission goers with kindness and respect.


Live performances in VR are new and experimental and things can and do go sideways. If you experience technical difficulties during the show like a frozen computer, a crash, low frame rates, or other problems, please understand that it just happens sometimes in this new and emerging art form. If you experience a major problem just reach out to us and we will reschedule or refund you. No-shows will not be refunded or rescheduled.